Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Happy Candy Day, and Other Unrelated Things...

honestly people... for all of those singles out there adopting the humbug "valentine's day *stinks*" motto of the week, look on the bright side. it's just another day to celebrate because stores are selling more candy than ever. like this giant XXL 3+ lb bag of m&m's. now that's reason to party, as you may be able to tell by the lusty glint in my eyes.

in other news, i got a wonderful quote from dr tkacik in class today. let me go find it real fast...

so where was i? ahh yes, we were discussing the texas constitution and how the power is so fragmented, the central government so weak, and the chain of command so inefficient that nothing can be accomplished... basically the governor is like a figure head with no real power, unless he works really hard to get something done. and tkacik is like, "when you think of rick perry, what do you think? 'oh, that luscious head of hair... how does he do that?'" and we're invited to go to bull frog's with him on friday to discuss politics and/or ask questions. except, he said we should not show up hopeful that someone would ask a great question about the test from which we might derive helpful hints because he would be too liquored up after 30 minutes to answer it anyway. great. i'll be there. along with my pipe and longbottom leaf (from briana. btw, can you have that to me by friday?). Posted by Picasa


Blogger quirky said...

an admirer, but a not-so-secret one. ;-) love you too marmar. awwwwwww! and thanks for bringing my music. what could be better than a bunch of beethoven bagatelles?!? in the henle edition no less!

10:39 PM  

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