Friday, September 08, 2006

El Weeko Dos

another week has gone by, and the semester is about to go full throttle. this week i attended 210 out of my 100 required lab minutes for spanish. am i slow in the head? or what... i also ripped a bunch of music from a friend. i hate the way classes like music history require you to buy two sets of cd's, the cheaper of the two being $85. are you serious??? i've already spent almost $700 and i still lack a couple of teaching books and some more sheet music!! actually, i shouldn't be whining too much, considering more than half of that did not come out of my own pocket.

so what news? i got more new music. i don't think i wrote about the first batch of new music, so i should just say, "i got music." which, considering i'm a music major should come as no surprise. first and foremost is a piece by chopin (op. 44 in f#m, for those of you who care, or would like to look it up on the classical music library and listen to someone amazing perform it better than i probably ever will be able to...)

also... i forgot to mention in my spanish lab comment that i successfully scored a 50 on a spanish quiz that i forgot to prepare for. i came in late (the one time!!!!) and didn't have time to even finish it. i was embarrassed. so maybe that explains all the lab time? making up for past sins?

i'm going to the lake tomorrow! woot woooooooot!!!!! i'll post something about that later. mabye some pictures if i remember my camera. now, to the fantastic fantasy realm of westwood online. see you on the insiiiide...


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