Wednesday, February 09, 2005


i enjoyed sleeping in today since 8 o'clock aural skills was non-existent.

let's see, what happened today? oh! big news! i got my violin fixed. if you remember, my latest problem was that the tail piece strap broke. so i was in grave danger of losing sound post pressure. but at last, with only a few minutes of work, and $4.21 everything is back up to snuff. except for a new bow and strings. but those can wait. at least my instrument is playable now. i'm just so excited. i'll try to remember to get some pics of the finished product on here.

had violin studio. got to hear some really nice playing from from a couple of the more advanced students. as well as some not-so-nice stuff from some of the not-so-advanced students. but who am i to say anything?? just wait till it's my turn...

had my piano lesson. *sigh* i really must get in more practice time. which brings me to my next point. i am a little over half-way done with a new schedule. it details pretty much every minute of my day from 6:50 am till about 9 or 9:30 in the evening. i'm setting in stone all the time i'm going to spend practicing and studying each subject and everything. then i'll have two or three hours at night to goof off, write in my blog, etc. before going to bed at 11:00. after going to bed at 11, i will then have the strength to get up at 6:50 (almost 8 hours of sleep) and have my quiet time before my 8:00 class. spending time in the word and in prayer is such an important part of life and a relationship with god, and also a very easy thing to neglect, if one isn't careful. so, with this plan i have going now, i'll be able to get that in in the morning and get off to a good start, and then have some time again in the evening before bed. as well as get 4 or 5 hours of piano, 1 or 2 hours of violin, and studying on all my subjects done. things should be super if i can hold myself to this schedule, which i'm determined to do. this partly stems from something my dad said. he said something like, (i'm paraphrasing, but this is generally it) "you're not in college for the purpose of having a good time. not that you shouldn't, but the reason you're going to school is to learn. this requires studying and practicing. those things should take precedence. once that's down, it's always easy to add fun stuff. if you do well in preparing for your career you'll be much better off than if you just had a really fun time." which, of course i already know. :-p but naturally lazy, fun loving, computer addicted people just have to be reminded... so i'm in the process of turning over a new leaf and really getting serious here! spiritual and scholastic laziness are not a good combination!

went to java jacks this evening with ben. not my singer ben, my long time friend buddy high school class mate church family brother friend ben. yeah, him. so we had a nice chat. also nice coffee. talked about school stuff and work stuff. mary also stopped by just to say hi. she had to go do some studying (like who doesn't) so she left after a couple minutes with some caffeine. ben and i also finally decided to take matters into our own hands with this bible study. all the other guys are so busy that i guess they're just planning on putting off officially scheduling it indefinitely. so! we set it up, having it at his house, studying 1 thess. i'm looking forward to it. if anyone else is interested, let me know. we would love to have some more people come. hmmm. in the past it has been guys only. i guess maybe we'll keep it that way. not that we don't like girls...(hopefully you don't get that impression about me because i turned down a date with donna) it's probably because the opposite is true. since i (like most boys i know) do like girls, they have the ability to be a distraction in the type of setting our bible study will be in. it would be simply awful to undermine a good study time because of the temptation to flirt with a cute girl or something.

boy, i've really been slacking off on the ping pong too. the other guys are practicing and getting really good while i've been doing nothing. i'm really going to have to work to keep from getting my bootay kicked. ja beat me today, 21/19. he's gettin' a big fat head too.

credenza: credence. a sideboard, buffet, or bookcase patterned after a renaissance credence; especially one without legs. not to be confused with cadenza, music people.

hurrah for TMEA!!!!

oh, if you want another funny story, check this out. virginia is cracking down on those who would like to show their undies.


Blogger Suzanne said...

Glad to hear you're working on a schedule. I strongly believe in the benefit of a schedule and have been using them for years as a homeschool mom of the house.

Here's some free advice: When you are living a life filled to the brim with stuff that you need to do, schedules certainly are invaluable. But if you try to follow a schedule and it just doesn't work, be willing to change it. Tinker with it until it really works for your life. You're the master of the schedule, not the other way around. It's no good if you have a schedule but never use it. And if you do break your own schedule (which you're bound to do from time to time) don't get discouraged,. Just let something go undone and try again.

I do firmly believe that we should all strive and fight for our daily personal devotional time. If we don't, it'll never happen. It also helps to stay accountable to others, so keep us posted! Lord bless you in this.

(Boy, that sounded bossy. This just means that I feel comfortable with you, Quirky. My kids have heard this impassioned speech a thousand times.) :-D

6:08 AM  

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