Monday, May 09, 2005


so finals begin... i had my first (in aural skills) at 8 this morning. *sigh* i think it went pretty good. it had so many parts. most of them i did well on but i really don't know what my total will be. probably a low A. the parts of the test included - chord and interval identification, two melodic dictations (in major and minor), harmonic dictation, rhythemic dictation, sight singing (in major and minor), and rhythem reading (in duple and triple). one final down, four more to go. next on the agenda is studying a little for theory and practicing my heart out for jury.

to briefly sum up the weekend - i went to the brahms requium (which i probably just totally misspelled) on friday. it was really good. so beautiful i could hardly stay awake. after that a few of us went to chilis, which was of course delicious. it's andrea's birthday today, and kelli's birthday tomorrow, so we told the waiter it was there b-day's and they each got a free dessert. then we went over to andrea and david's apartment and watched movies and stuff.

on sat i did laundry (about the only productive thing i got done during the morning). then i went to ben's eagle scout court of honor. i'm so glad my bud made eagle. it's quite an accomplishment and we're all super proud of him. then he had a separate reception for his graduation. there i got to see lots of friends, some of whom i don't get to see very often. and i got to meet ben's sister's fiance. so it was fun. after that i had to leave to play for the piano studio recital. that went pretty well. after that i went to a family friends 25th anniversary party. more good food... yesssssssssss. then back to campus. where i proceeded to goof off.

yesterday i went to church in the morning. one of the verses i really liked, which i hadn't read in a long time. "By those who come near Me, I will be treated as holy, and before all the people I will be honored." i think i may add that at the top of my blog for a while, since i've had the same rich mullins quote up for some time. it's definitely a good verse to keep in mind at all times. after church i went home for the first time in a couple of weeks, to celebrate mother's day. after lunch we played cards and had an overall fun family time. also ate a delicious cake. i played my recital piece for the family since they weren't able to hear me on saturday. then we went to church again in the evening.

after church i got to go to dr dalmus and dr raychev's house. this was for the end-of-the-semester string party. dr raychev had quite oudone himself making wonderful bulgarian dishes for us to feast upon. it was a great time, talking about music, and listening to the "elder ones" talking about there days in high school (and getting beat up, in dr jacobson's case) and about college, and having long hair, and all that good stuff. it was a rather nice party. i'm quite pleased to be in on this group! :-)

and that brings me back to today. so ever and i got up early and ate breakfast before class. i think i've only gotten up and eaten before an 8:00 once or twice before in my entire college carreer, and definitely not this semester. it's sad, i know. but i did it today, and got to class early. now i just got through helping ever with some of his stuff. assisted him in learning a piano piece which he has to play for some little piano technique class. and i transposed a piece for him and wrote it all in bass clef so he could play it on his cello (one of the many wonderful things about playing the piano is being able to fluently read both treble and bass clef). now i must hit the books, and the piano. till next time, keep groovin' me korpulent comrades! (if you don't get it, read the end of my last post and the comments)

aver \uh-VUR\,transitive verb;Inflected forms: averred; averring:1. To affirm with confidence; to declare in a positive manner, as in confidence of asserting the truth.2. (Law) To assert, claim, or declare as a fact.


Blogger quirky said...

the "requium" concert officially was Tragic Overture and Ein Deutsches Requiem by Brahms.

2:21 PM  
Blogger Abigail... said...

Wooooooo! You're almost exciting! good luck on all those pesky exams that stand between you and freedom

6:02 AM  

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