Saturday, February 25, 2006


basically, that picture has been the last post for waaay too long. if anyone reads this in time, please note that there is going to be a concert tonight in cole concert hall at 7:30!!! this is the concerto/aria performance from the winners of the concerto competition. a must see, really. yu ching will be giving what i can only imagine is a stunning rendition of a rachmaninoff concerto. so that's my very sincere plug for the music department.

gosh, it seems like there's nothing interesting to say. which i suppose is why i haven't posted. guess i'll go fold laundry.

alfresco \al-FRES-koh\, adverb:1. In the open air; outdoors.
adjective:1. Taking place or located in the open air; outdoor.


Blogger Melanie said...

oooo... folding laundry! that's so interesting and cool! (and this comment makes me so very not either of those...)

7:55 PM  

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