Sunday, October 15, 2006

I Won't...

right at this very moment i'm having a severe case of the "don't wannas". you know, where you really have to do something, but you don't even want to think about having to do it, so you drink some milk and curl up in the fetal position while imagining scenes of fields and daisies and carefree childhood and then you come to when reality kicks you in the stomach again and you cry and then finally start doing whatever it was you were in denial about to start with...?


Blogger Amy said...

I feel like I live a life of fighting "don't wannas." :) The last two weeks have been insanely busy. I'm finally home and will actually get to stay here for a whole 10 days in a row.

Heather looks like she's a dear, and she's as gorgeous as anyone I've ever seen, if not more so. :) You two look like a great pair. I'm sure your spirits are even more lovely, and that gives me yet another reason to smile. ( if you weren't already wearied enough by my excessive use of smiley faces!) :)

All my best! I'll try to be a more faithful blogging buddy...I know I've seemingly fallen off the face of the earth and left all my friends here, for a long while. G'night!

11:22 PM  
Blogger Paige said...

I don't wanna study anymore for my stupid midterm tonight! *stomps foot*


*opens textbook*


11:44 AM  
Blogger quirky said...

hey, good to see you here again amy. and thanks! also, i haven't been keeping up with everyone's blogs very well anyway, not the past few weeks.


5:57 PM  

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