After Thanksgiving
so tonight i was walking to the cafeteria, and my feet were kind of sore. then i saw that the tree in the middle of the clark street turnabout had a section of lights that were out and that bothered me. also i passed an unoccuppied vehicle parked by the curb. it's lights flashed when i walked by, and it honked. then the ignition started. i pretended not to be startled or surprised. i'm pretty sure it worked. then i had a mediocre hamburger and fries with a delicious root beer and decided not to practice tonight. i shall take out my laundry and go to sleep instead.
church was really good tonight. i have some verses i feel like sharing. but not right now. when it's 9 o'clock and i already feel disfuctional, it's not a good sign.
and there's something else. TODAY IS MELANIE'S BIRTHDAY!!! i know none of you know melanie, though perhaps you've visited her blog (which is linked as mel belle "over there" -->). so happy birthday mel belle. i hope its fabulous and that i can come up with a good excuse for why my card is coming late.
peace out, y'all. (like i ever say that)
vapid \VAP-id; VAY-pid\, adjective:1. Lacking liveliness and spirit; unanimated; spiritless; dull; as, "a vapid speech."2. Flavorless; lacking taste or zest; flat; as, "vapid beer."
One year he was writing vapid and sentimental mediocrities, and the next he was turning out one of the best poems of our century.-- Anatole Broyard, New York Times
i just love that sentence. "...writing vapid and sentimental mediocrities..." mediocre is a pretty decent word, if you think about it. just like that hamburger. if i were you, i would feel sorry for whoever ate that burger. goodnight.