today is the birthday of the stephenmeister, smallest of the yerkes clan. he is now four, and can almost hold up four of his stubby digits properly, while proudly stating this fact. :-P he made the rather tasty choice of german chocolate for his cake. topped off with blue bell, what could be better? unless it were something with cream cheese icing, which i absolutely
adore! [hint hint hint...] speaking of hints, whenever you ask stephen how old he is, he let's out something about how his gator is broken, or he sure does like his gator, or if only he had a gator. hahaha, clever chap. get 'em while they're all soft over his cute little "i'm fower" and uncoordinated fingers.
today i did oodles of practicing, mainly on the piano, but also the violin. vibrato is a difficult technique to learn. 'nuff said.
did a photo shoot with pat and asmodeus for pics to send to a potential buyer. also did a mini-shoot with allison and asmodeus, at her request since they're fast friends.
i discovered and absolutely
wonderful feature available to students through mysfa and the steen library. i can look up pretty much any classical piece through the calli music catalogue online and listen to a recording of it. like,
anything. if i know the name of the piece it will be there and i can just click on the "listen" button and hear it right out of my speakers, free of charge, without the hastle of going and borrowing or checking out recordings. SO COOL! thanks sam for showing me! oh wait, sam doesn't read this. never mind, he still deserves the credit for being such a great guy.
in other news, i lost my student id this weekend. shame shame shame. so, since i was kinda ready to eat today, i went and got a new one. it's all slick and shiny like i'm a freshmen, with only one validation sticker on it. and i have a new picture, which is rather more acurate as opposed to the one of me with short hair, a small goatee, and an unfortuate shadow on my left side giving the impression of severely lop-sided proportions. did that last sentence even make any sense? ah, who cares. i've got a new one now, and nothing else matters.
oh yeah, and since i have many things on my agenda to do, i best end here. till next time, stay cool "homes." [laughing as i think of those words coming out of andres' mouth]
obfuscate \OB-fuh-skayt\, transitive verb:1. To darken or render indistinct or dim.2. To make obscure or difficult to understand or make sense of.3. To confuse or bewilder.