well, well, well... i stayed at the music building most of today. in fact, i was only gone about 1 or 1.5 hours during the period from 8:00 this morning till 5:30 pm. i even took a nap on the floor in one of the practice rooms between a piano practice session and violin. college does weird things to you. like, why would anyone curl up on a hard floor behind a piano in a room too short to straighten out in and
sleep?? i think at least ten people walked opened the door while i was lying there and quickly walked out again. it makes me chuckle. i think i had weird dreams, though i don't remember any of them. john was probably asking me what i was doing sleeping on the practice room floor when i woke myself up by automatically responding, "occupied!" to a knock on the door. after which response the person, who i didn't see since i was behind the piano, promptly opened the door, and then quickly exited again. but i did get lots of practice in. trust me.
i wore my new wilson hall t-shirt today. it's a blue super man shirt, except it has a 13 (our hall number) instead of an S in the emblem. on the back it has the top ten wilson hall remembrances, including the fact that we outlasted the units, but not the old stone fort...
i finished getting my electronic signatures done for FAFSA this evening. ahhh, what a good feeling. probably a few more things to send in, but the urgent part is done.
got emily to come eat dinner with me and the "gang" tonight. it's always good to have new converts to (this bud's fer you, evan) "our initiation." hopefully she will join our bountiful table with some regularity in the future.
got scared to death by abigail's post. if it's true she has my deepest condolences. if it's a late april fools trick... RAAWWWWWRRRRR!!!!!!!!! then i'll just...just...uh...sigh with relief i guess. i looked on the blog editor, and it wouldn't be difficult to delete your whole blog. but it also wouldn't be terribly easy to do it on accident. but it's also not fair to do april fools on april 4th. though it is a clever (though heartless) joke. if it is a joke... meeehhhhhhh!!! (to use one of abbey's fav noises).
had another good mocha and bible study. actually we mainly just studied the bible and drank the mochas. but you get the big picture. just as we were finishing, one guy i know (the teacher of the capoeira class in fact) came up there with a friend of his. and i introduced him to ben. since we kind of changed the subject suddenly from what we were talking about to nice to meet you and all that, ben accidentally said "pretty nice to meet you." as in, maybe not all that nice to meet you. since we were almost done ben was saying our closing prayer right after they left, and i almost busted out laughing as soon as he started praying, cuz as soon as i heard his voice i heard him saying "pretty nice to meet you." sorry i wasn't being all i should have been, ben, as far as my contribution to the closing of our meeting. :-P since i couldn't laugh when you first said it i could hardly contain myself. (still LOL about it even now).
my room is spick and span now. which is lucky for me, because josh and kourtney dropped in suddenly as a surprise, to see my room and stuff. i don't think i could have let them in with it being the way it was last night.
i got a super nifty clock in the mail today. since i just subcribed to popular science (i already have pop mech but i want sci too) they gave me this "free clock." i still have to figure out how to set it. hopefully it doesn't have any dreadful alarms that will go off at ungodly hours tonight.
i don't know if i did anything else today. if i did, i'm not going to tell you. huh?? cuz i
can't remember, that's why!
amanuensis \un-man-yoo-EN-sis\, noun; plural amanuenses, \-seez\:A person employed to take dictation or to copy manuscripts.