Anxious Anticipation
practiced a bunch today. had a good violin lesson. she was understanding that i hadn't done as much diligent practice this last week since i've been preparing for the upcoming concert. and she said she'll be somewhat understanding next week too. but after that... no mercy!!! but i played fairly well none-the-less.
i didn't have that interview. i think i mentioned it last post. the tv department wanted to interview me about my concert. (notice how everything in my life seems to be revolving around that one even? what am i going to do when it's over?!?) but they never called me back with a time or place of meeting or list of questions i should be prepared for. so whatever. if they want an interview bad enough they'll just have get their bootie in gear. it's not like i'm going to go hunting down a reporter in the tv deparment and beg to have an interview done whenever they feel like they want to do it...
i think ben forgot about our bible study tonight. hmmm. i got my stuff ready and laid down on my bed for a few minutes to wait for him to call and say he was in the parking lot. i woke up at about 9:30 (two hours later) to my room mate coming in. so apparently he didn't come. and if he sat out in the parking lot and waited for me, and didn't call, and then left, i'm going to bop him up side the head. er... just kidding. i'm sure he didn't do that. hopefully we can get together next week.
tomorrow i'm going to try and get a bike ride in with micah. got some new tires for rode riding. go put them on at his house and go on a big ride to somewhere. mabye around the loop or something. looking foward to it!
best put my energy from that power nap to work and get a little studying done before bed.
segue \SEG-way; SAYG-way\, verb:To proceed without interruption; to make a smooth transition.
and i confess that i have now been getting these words off of but that's not really cheating or anything like that, is it?? sure is more convenient than randomly looking through the dictionary. i've been trying to occasionally put some words that you could actually use in everday language.