hmmm... i can't really think of anything much else to carry on about. well... oh there was one funny guy who came to the sign shop yesterday. he was delivering a sign in a big truck and i was needed to help him unload it. i think he was a bit dubious about whether i would even physically be able to handle my end of the 20', wood-crate-encased billboard. i was wondering too because i was starting to get that weak shaky feeling you get when you're starting to get sick. so he kept looking at me while we unloaded it, and when we leaned it over and set it down on a stack, he just stood there with his hands on his hips staring. then he said, "boy! you been eatin' yo cheerios?!?" i was like, "huh?" i'm not used to being addressed in quite that way... then he said, "you must be really strong to throw that sign around like that!" i was thinking just the opposite at the moment about my strength. then he went walking past the fridge. he stopped right beside it and slowly turned back toward me out of the corner of his eye with a sly look and his back slightly bent. "whatcha got in that fridge? mind if i grab one from yer thirty pack?" i was like, "huh?" then we just stared at eachother for a few seconds and i busted out laughing and then he busted out laughing to and went on his way.
tmesis \TMEE-sis\, noun:In grammar and rhetoric, the separation of the parts of a compound word, now generally done for humorous effect; for example, "what place soever" instead of "whatsoever place," or "abso-bloody-lutely."
Examples of tmesis:
If on the first, how heinous e'er it be,To win thy after-love I pardon thee. --Shakespeare, Richard II
His income-tax return, he remarked, was the "most rigged-up marole" he'd ever seen. --Frederic Packard
In two words, im possible. --Samuel Goldwyn